
Education is an essential pillar of human capital development and eventually, essential to attend one own’s adult potential and contribute positively to the overall community development. Quoting the great Indian philosopher monk Swami Vivekananda, “education is the manifestation of the perfection already present in man”, However, unfortunately, not everyone is privileged to receive this, and the reasons may be multifactorial and includes poverty, geographical remoteness, inaccessibility and a lack of suitable resources. This disparity has been exposed markedly with the COVID pandemic. Globally, all nations, have faced great challenges in containing COVID -19 pandemic whilst meeting the educational and developmental needs of their children. Lockdown restrictions have been imposed and schools closed, although online sessions have been used in some geographical areas. However, the majority of the children from the lower socioeconomic background have been unable to benefit from this new format of education and the reasons may be multifactorial. However, the lack of digital devices in these remote locations stands as the primary reason. Using digital technology, Centre for Social Change and Development (CSCD) aims to address this digital inequality. From developing numeracy and literacy skills in young children, to confidence building in young adults and citizenship and community development for adult informal learners, we aim to foster and cultivate education through remote digital technologies.

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