Aims and objectives of the organization

The aims of Centre for Social Change and Development (CSCD) will be to advance knowledge on education, health, environmental protection, community development and poverty relief, in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities resident in the developing world, through the use of information and social technology

The organisation intends to act primarily as a thinktank – it will aim to generate and develop novel concepts pertaining to these purposes, and use information and social technology (e.g. social media, video conferencing software, remote digital classrooms, etc) to address this knowledge gap. This will be achieved through fostering partnerships with trusted and locally accepted organisations with an established track record and considerable expertise in this field – this will be necessary to assess the feasibility and timely execution of the project. Post completion, the data (largely qualitative) would be analysed by the project lead, its findings and policy consideration discussed within the charity and conceptual frameworks generated. Subsequently, the study findings, policy implications and, conceptual frameworks will be disseminated through academic channels and media outlets, and recommendations made to national and local bodies to inform policy changes.

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